Tennis Statistics

▶ Click on the drop-down menu to select the type of tennis statistics.
wdt_ID Category Betting Market Click to view statistics
1 Tournament Win Loss
2 ATP Player Win Loss
3 ATP Player Over/Under Sets
4 ATP Player Over/Under Sets
5 ATP Player Over/Under Sets
6 ATP Player Over/Under Games
7 ATP Player Over/Under Games
8 ATP Player Over/Under Games
9 ATP Player Over/Under Games
10 ATP Player Over/Under Games
Category Betting Market Click to view statistics


You are viewing the FULL version of statistics with data from ATP and WTA tournaments.


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Explore patterns and trends and improve your betting with our detailed tennis statistics for ATP and WTA tournaments. Using odds from Pinnacle Sports since 2014, these tables give you in-depth analysis of the results of betting a unit on every tennis match, allowing you to improve your decisions, whether you’re betting on the favourite or the underdog. The results are grouped by round and tennis tournament so you can identify possible patterns quickly and easily. 

ATP Tennis Statistics – Results per Tournament and Round

WTA Tennis Statistics – Results per Tournament and Round